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Hw Due Date and Time: Homework assignments are generally due Friday at 11:59pm Pittsburgh-time, as listed in the course schedule.

Solo Hw: Homeworks are entirely solo unless the assignment very explicitly allows you to collaborate. See the "Academic Integrity" section below for more details. That said, you always have access to extensive help provided by the TA's and course faculty.

CS Academy Lecture3/4 homework is on the CS Academy website. Each CS Academy assignment has a required number of "stars" listed like this:     "Section Exercises:   ⭐ 0 / 11." If you complete fewer than the required number of stars, you will receive a score equal to the percentage of required stars you completed. For example, if there are 16 required stars and you complete 8, you will receive 50%. If you complete all of the required stars you will receive 100% on the assignment. Each star you complete over the required number is worth 0.5 percentage points of bonus on the assignment. Thus, if there are 16 required stars and you complete 19, you will receive a 101.5% on the assignment.

Hw Code Reviews: Some subset of the assigned hw's will include a "code review", sometimes between you and a TA, other times between yourself and a small group of other students (these are called "peer code reviews"). In these sessions, you will discuss the quality of your code, and in a peer review you will also discuss the quality of your peers' code -- regarding its design, algorithms, style, user interface, and perhaps more. Code reviews are an invaluable tool used in industry to help software professionals become all the more effective at their craft. Our code reviews share the same purpose. For hw's that have code reviews, they are worth 10% of that hw, and your grade is entirely based on your thoughtful, active, fully-engaged participation.

Hw Grace Days A grace day is a penalty-free hw extension day, intended to give you some flexibility in hw deadlines. You may use up to 2 grace days on any given hw, and up to 4 total grace days over the entire semester. Note that excused absences and other excused extensions do not count towards your grace day total. You do not sign up for grace days. Instead, you simply keep working on a hw after the original deadline, for up to 2 additional days. Then, each Monday, we will automatically assign your ideal use of grace days for all hw's up to that point. Note that a hw may at first use a grace day or two, only to have that change later in the semester if a later hw would earn more total points for you by using those grace days. In any case, we will always assign grace days to optimize your total points. In this way, you can safely work for a short while past a hw deadline if necessary, without worrying about whether you should save grace days that you may need later in the semester. On the other hand, since you only have 4 total grace days, you should in general try to actually meet the hw deadlines, and only plan on using grace days to provide a small bit of deadline flexibility for you as needed.

Green-Check Errors Sometimes we will cover CS Academy exercises in lecture or recitation, and then we will give you "green-check credit" for attending (and paying careful attention, of course). If for any reason you did not fill out the attendance form for a day you attended, and thus did not receive green-check credit for that day, contact Lynn ([email protected]) (one of our Head TA's) immediately. If we approve your request, you will get "green-check credit" on the date of the request (and not the original date of the lecture or recitation). This may result in you using a grace day or two, or if it is more than two days after a homework deadline, simply not receiving credit for these exercises. Thus:

Please be sure to fill out the attendance sheet for events that you attend, and Please be sure to verify that you received the green checks you believe you earned by each homework deadline, and if not, contact us immediately.




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